Teeth Cleanings and Exams

Contact Dental Care of Rosewood today to learn more about our dental services.

Maintaining a healthy smile requires regular teeth cleanings and exams to prevent oral health issues and reduce plaque and staining. Our team at Dental Care of Rosewood can prevent most threats to your oral health with a simple dental checkup. If you haven’t visited a dental health professional recently, make an appointment at our practice in Columbia, SC, by calling 803-680-9080.

What Are Teeth Cleanings and Exams?

Our cleanings and exams help you protect your overall oral health. Over time, your teeth collect plaque and tartar, which stains your enamel. As a result, the stains make your smile look less bright and healthy.

Plaque buildup can also mask serious conditions that threaten your oral health. During each exam, we check for signs of developing conditions or diseases that threaten your dental health. If we discover any potential problems, we’ll discuss treatment options with you to prevent bigger issues.

What Do Teeth Cleaning and Exams Entail in Columbia, SC?

Once you arrive at your appointment at our practice in Columbia, SC, we’ll first perform an initial dental exam by checking for signs of infection, tooth decay, and other symptoms that your teeth may need other treatments. We might recommend an X-ray for a better look at your tooth and mouth structure.

Then, our oral hygienist begins cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth. We’ll use a gentle but effective toothpaste that polishes your enamel to a shine. We’ll also remove buildup from between your teeth and around your gum line since you might have trouble reaching these areas without professional tools.

Finally, we’ll examine your teeth a final time. If we notice any problems, we’ll suggest treatment options and set up subsequent appointments. You can also bring up cosmetic goals with us during this time.

Who Needs Teeth Cleanings and Exams?

Everyone needs teeth cleanings and exams twice a year in Columbia, SC. While you reap the immediate benefits of a cleaner, healthier smile, you’ll also learn more about potential issues you can better manage in the future. Additionally, we’ll have the chance to treat any problems that could get more serious with time.

Advantages of Teeth Cleanings and Exams in Columbia, SC

Twice-yearly cleanings and exams have numerous benefits that improve and prolong your oral health. Some advantages of teeth cleaning and exam appointments include:

  • A smaller likelihood of dental emergencies
  • A brighter, whiter smile
  • Prompt, quick treatment for small oral problems
  • Timely detection of major issues
  • Consistent maintenance that prevents expensive treatments in later years

Book Your Next Teeth Cleaning Appointment with Dental Care of Rosewood

Make your oral health and confidence a priority by booking an appointment for teeth cleanings and exams at our practice in Columbia, SC. Even if you haven’t visited a dentist in a while, we’ll put your comfort and trust first throughout the process. Call us at Dental Care of Rosewood today at 803-680-9080 to schedule an appointment with our caring and knowledgeable team!


Book Your Next Dental Appointment With Dental Care of Rosewood.